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Lana "Cinniie" Marilyn, full time magical girl.

Hi, I’m Lana.

I write.

  • I am the author of Wet Sand in an Hourglass, a self-published collection of memoirs and poetry.

  • I make and sell issues of GLXTCH, a zine series featuring personal essays, poems, and collage art.

  • Bedtime Stories, my collection of audio poetry mixtapes, is available for free listening and download.

I host events.

The Lit Exhibit is an annual pop-up exhibition of micro poetry/fiction and immersive, interactive literary art, held in Brooklyn, NY. (Currently on hiatus.)

I love connecting with others. While The Lit Exhibit is my signature event, I also host writing workshops and literary events! Past events have included book swap parties and zine making sessions. In the near future, I hope to branch out and start hosting cute social gatherings, like crafting or tea parties! Stay tuned.

I make cards.

As a hobby, I create handmade, interactive greeting cards. I usually just give them out for holidays and birthdays, but occasionally I take commissions! If you’d like to order a custom card for a birthday, anniversary, holiday or special occasion—please get in touch!

here’s my bio.

Recipient of the 2012 Random House Creative Writing Award and author of Wet Sand in An Hourglass, Lana C. Marilyn is an interdisciplinary literary artist and event producer of Afro-Caribbean descent from Brooklyn, NY. Her practice includes zinemaking, collage, audio, and performance. She is a grantee of the Brooklyn Arts Council and Citizens Committee for New York City on behalf of The Lit Exhibit, an independent literary program which she hosts annually. She is finalist of the 2018 Broken Pencil Zine Awards, for her zine, “im(prism)ment,” which focused on color theory and existentialism, as part of her ongoing zine series, GLXTCH. Her fifth issue of the series, “sorry i’m late,” was nominated for a Broken Pencil Zine Award in 2021. She is a winner of the 2022 BKLYN Incubator, an initiative that funds innovative programs in partnership with the Brooklyn Public Library, in support of a creative writing workshop for teens.

Lana is interested in the concepts of text as image, the malleability of language and punctuation, and audience participation as tools that can enhance the reader’s experience. Thematically, her poetry tends to fall into the horror genre in its exploration of subjects such as abandonment, intergenerational trauma, suicidal ideation, and heartache. She is currently working on a poetry manuscript titled, Holes in the Water.

When not writing, she likes to cry in her spare time and overshare her feelings on Twitter & Instagram.

contact me:

Feel free to contact me regarding performances, collaborations of any kind (photos/events), or if you’d like edits or feedback on your writing (please email). I share my love of makeup and fairy aesthetics on Instagram, crafting videos on Tiktok, and planner vlogs on Youtube. None of it is consistent but all of it brings me joy. I love connecting with new people! If you chose to follow, you are always welcome to say hi.

PS - I have a newsletter where I share info about upcoming events, performances, projects and more! I send these out very sporadically but it’s the best way to stay up to date. Sign up below: